Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Keep it real: Tyra Banks' hair


So Tyra decided to show her "real hair" on her TV show! I think Tyra is the next generation of Oprah and one of the most successful models-turned-businesswomen! But I have mixed feelings about Tyra's revelation though!

While Tyra still looks fierce with her "real hair" and much better, in this kitten's opinion, than the wigs and weaves she wears, it's still chemically processed! I want to see Tyra with it ALL the way natural--kinks, curls, waves, whatever she got!

Her "real hair" looks really nice styled, but if she wears her hair now, instead of wigs and weaves, she'll end up with horribly damaged hair! Plus she's on TV, so she has to keep fresh styles (otherwise we'd have to bring out our claws and clown)! So ultimately, I guess this is the closest we'll get to seeing Tyra's real hair!