Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Ultimate Beauty Secret....Water

For years we've heard about the many benefits of drinking water. Though many are skeptical, it is the ultimate beauty secret. Ever wonder why?

 Let's look a little closer as to how water enhances your beauty in three of many different ways.

For many women trying to acheive flawless skin, water should be your first ally. Water keeps your skin cleansed and hydrated, therefore promoting clear and fresh skin. Water also flushes out toxins, which eliminates dirt from pores and in turn gives the skin a healthy glow.

That luxurious, shiny movie star  hair that we all covet, guess what ladies, water will help you get it. Yes, water helps your hair by hydrating cells, keeping it soft and silky.  Especially, for dry and brittle hair, don't waste your money on expensive products that may or may not work. Drinking plenty of water will help you attain that healthy head of hair.

Last but certainly not least, water can without a doubt help you lose those unwanted pounds. How? Well, most people mistake thirst for hunger. Dehydration signals the brain the same way in which hunger is siganled, which leads many to needless snacking and overeating. So next time you reach for a snack or sugary, caffine filled drink; Replace it with a healthy glass of water, which will leave you feeling fuller hydrated, and eliminate those unwanted calories from sugar.

Though there are far more benefits that water has, implementing these three benefits can get on your way to radiant, flawless skin, a silky, supple head of hair, and a slimmer, healthier body. So let's all put down the soda's and tea's and pick at least 6-8 glasses of water per day, so that we too can be in on the ultimate beauty secret.


By Dee PoeticMamii