Thursday, February 28, 2013


In a world full of HD TV and HD movies, HD eyebrows have now burst on the scene as one the newest beauty trend to come to the US and has blown the simple but elegant arched brow right out of the water.

England, Canada, Scotland, France, Ireland, and Spain have all incorporated the HD brow treatment into their beauty regimen for quite some time now. The US is now on board and it has simply exploded on the red carpet and beyond.

Though the 7 step process to achieve the HD brow may be tedious and a tiny bit painful, there's no denying that your eyebrows will truly POP afterward. By the way, if you think that tweezing, waxing, and threading are over, think again! All three of those are included in the 7 method brow technique, along with tinting, clipping, dusting with mineral powder, and filling in the brow with an eyebrow pencil.

For all my ladies out there on a budget or that have no time to go to the salon for this 20 minute treatment, you CAN get the HD brow at home. Sources such as the Internet, YouTube, various salon sites, and freelance MUA's have created video tutorials so that you may attain a star quality HD brow in your very own home.

The goal, however, is to not look clownish, or take off all of the brow just to draw them back on. You also need to make sure the arch of the brow is the proper cut for YOUR brow line and facial structure. The color that you choose for the brow needs to match YOUR skin type as well. Remembering these few minor yet pertinent details, will help you to succeed on your HD brow journey.

By Dee PoeticMamii