TKHC: What inspired the lauch of Flock 12?
F12: Offering quality, mainstay goods coupled with a passion for community inspired the launch of Flock 12. Some would argue that there's an over saturation of "clothing brands" but after checking off the list of things that matter most to customers i.e. look, feel, design quality and accessibility the numbers shrink and the distinguished become visibly recognizable. As a retailer our goal is to provide a platform for new and exciting brands that have that staying power but may not have the reach.
F12: Offering quality, mainstay goods coupled with a passion for community inspired the launch of Flock 12. Some would argue that there's an over saturation of "clothing brands" but after checking off the list of things that matter most to customers i.e. look, feel, design quality and accessibility the numbers shrink and the distinguished become visibly recognizable. As a retailer our goal is to provide a platform for new and exciting brands that have that staying power but may not have the reach.
TKHC: You wear many hats. Not only are you a business owner, but creative director and designer as well. What inspires you?
F12: Life, lol. What better inspiration to pull from than our experiences, places we travel and very people who surrounded us? Daily we present ourselves to the world and the outcome may lead to creating something new, a first encounter or lasting memory. The excitement of these possibilities inspire what I do.
TKHC: What types of clothing does Flock 12 offer?
F12: Flock 12 offers branded menswear, womenswear and accessories. So far we've seen good responses to brands like David Jesse, SCSM (also based out of Charlotte) and No Label Watches founded by one of Jay Z's protege's Von Smith. Each of these brands speak to a diverse market as they've successfully carved out their own niche. We're still testing the market and gauging feedback from our customers to hear what other styles and brands they would like to carry.

TKHC: What sets Flock 12 apart from other retailers?
F12: Having experience with starting and building a brand myself, I've seen and identified loopholes within the process from design to distribution. There's no "one shot" solution but as an independent online retailer Flock 12 can offer some guidance through our Market Meets segment. This is for brands new and established that may require assistance in the areas of brand development or simply getting their product out to the massess.
TKHC: Why do you think fashion is so important?
F12: I've always said fashion and music go hand in hand. Many have asked the question "what's life without music"? Well the same can be asked about fashion. There's rhythm and feeling in both. The power of creativity and self expression are both important to human existence. This is why fashion is important.
TKHC: Who is the one celebrity you would love to dress in your clothing?
F12: Putting on my designers hat for a second I would have to say Michelle Obama. She's so graceful and sound in her awareness of self she can look stunnigly beautiful in a gown or jeans, cute top and cardigan accent.
F12: This is a tough question. I don't have a style icon but I do respect and admire those who understand the importance of creativity.
TKHC: How can people purchase from your store and keep in contact with you?
F12: Definitely visit us online at and also on social media. Search Flock12 on Facebook / Twitter / IG and they'll find us.
By Yasmin Young